Gravity_BNO055_+_BMP280 intelligent_10DOF_AHRS_SKU_SEN0253-DFRobot




BNO055 is a new sensor IC for implementing an intelligent 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor. It is a system in package, integrating a triaxial 14-bit accelerometer, a triaxial 16-bit gyroscope, a triaxial geomagnetic sensor and a 32-bit microcontroller. At just 5.2 x 3.8 x 1.1 mm³, it is significantly smaller than comparable discrete or system-on-board solutions and also is the sensor-hub product of the smallest size that supports Windows 8.1 at present. BNO055 is able to provide not only single data of the three kinds of sensors(accelerometer/gyroscope/geomagnetic), but also fused data, such as quaternions, Euler angles or vectors. Besides, the built-in MCU frees the users from the complexities of algorithm processing, which provides application support in many aspects for smart phone, wearable device and so on.

BMP280 is an absolute barometric pressure sensor especially designed for mobile applications, which can realize the measurement of barometric pressure and temperature(the data can be converted into altitude through the specific formula ). The sensor module is housed in an extremely compact package. It is based on Bosch’s proven Piezo resistive pressure sensor technology featuring high accuracy and linearity as well as long term stability and high EMC robustness. Numerous device operation options offer highest flexibility to optimize the device regarding power consumption, resolution and filter performance.

Now, DFRobot is launching Gravity:BNO055 BMP280 intelligent 10DOF AHRS. This sensor module integrates BNO055 and BMP280 on one board to combine the two sensor into a 10DOF sensor module. The standard Gravity-I2C interface eases the integration process for customers, freeing them from the complexities of multivendor solutions so they can spend more time on product innovation, including novel applications such as wearable hardware. It is also the perfect choice for augmented reality, more immersive gaming, personal health and fitness, indoor navigation and any other application requiring context awareness.



Pinout and Dimension Diagram

Serial Number Name Functionality
1 /VCC Positive Pole
2 -/GND Negative Pole
5 NBOOT Boot Mode
6 RST Reset Pin
7 INT Interrupt Output Pin
8 I2C_ADDR BNO055 I2C address Selection
9 PS2 Protocol Selection Pin 2
10 PS1 Protocol Selection Pin 1
11 BL_IND Bootstrap Instructions
PS1 PS2 Functionalit
0 0 Standard/Fast 12C Interface
1 0 UART Interface
1 1 Reserved

Note: the I2C address of BNO055 is set to 0×28 by default. The I2C address of BMP280 is 0×76; the I2C_ADDR of BNO055 can be set as 0x28/0x29. PS1 and PS2 are set to 0 and 0 by default.

API Function

class DFRobot_BNO055 {

   * @brief global axis declare (excepet eular and quaternion)
  typedef enum {
  } eAxis_t;

   * @brief global single axis declare
  typedef enum {
  } eSingleAxis_t;

  // registers ----------------------------------------------------------------
  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   MAG: 2;
    uint8_t   ACC: 2;
    uint8_t   GYR: 2;
    uint8_t   SYS: 2;
  } sRegCalibState_t;

  typedef enum {
  } eStResult_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   ACC: 1;
    uint8_t   MAG: 1;
    uint8_t   GYR: 1;
    uint8_t   MCU: 1;
  } sRegStResult_t;

   * @brief enum interrupt
  typedef enum {
    eIntGyrAm = 0x04,
    eIntGyrHighRate = 0x08,
    eIntAccHighG = 0x20,
    eIntAccAm = 0x40,
    eIntAccNm = 0x80,
    eIntAll = 0xec
  } eInt_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   reserved1: 2;
    uint8_t   GYRO_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   HYR_HIGH_RATE: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved2: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_HIGH_G: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_NM: 1;
  } sRegIntSta_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   ST_MAIN_CLK: 1;
  } sRegSysClkStatus_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   ACC: 1;
    uint8_t   GYR: 1;
    uint8_t   EUL: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved1: 1;
    uint8_t   TEMP: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved2: 2;
    uint8_t   ORI_ANDROID_WINDOWS: 1;
  } sRegUnitSel_t;

   * @brief Operation mode enum
  typedef enum {
  } eOprMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   mode: 4;
  } sRegOprMode_t;

   * @brief Poewr mode enum
  typedef enum {
  } ePowerMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   mode: 2;
  } sRegPowerMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   SELF_TEST: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved1: 4;
    uint8_t   RST_SYS: 1;
    uint8_t   RST_INT: 1;
    uint8_t   CLK_SEL: 1;
  } sRegSysTrigger_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   TEMP_SOURCE: 2;
  } sRegTempSource_t;

  typedef struct {
    //uint8_t   remappedXAxisVal: 2;
    //uint8_t   remappedYAxisVal: 2;
    //uint8_t   remappedZAxisVal: 2;
    uint8_t   remappedAxisConfig: 6;
  } sRegAxisMapConfig_t;

  typedef struct {
    //uint8_t   remappedZAxisSign: 1;
    //uint8_t   remappedYAxisSign: 1;
    //uint8_t   remappedXAxisSign: 1;
    uint8_t  remappedAxisSign: 3;
  } sRegAxisMapSign_t;

  typedef struct {
    int16_t   x, y, z;
  } sAxisData_t;

   * @brief axis analog data struct
  typedef struct {
    float   x, y, z;
  } sAxisAnalog_t;

   * @brief eular analog data struct
  typedef struct {
    float   head, roll, pitch;
  } sEulAnalog_t;

  typedef struct {
    int16_t   head, roll, pitch;
  } sEulData_t;

   * @brief qua analog data struct
  typedef struct {
    float   w, x, y, z;
  } sQuaAnalog_t;

  typedef struct {
    int16_t   w, x, y, z;
  } sQuaData_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   CHIP_ID;  // 0x00
    #define   BNO055_REG_CHIP_ID_DEFAULT   0xa0
    uint8_t   ACC_ID;
    #define   BNO055_REG_ACC_ID_DEFAULT    0xfb
    uint8_t   MAG_ID;
    #define   BNO055_REG_MAG_ID_DEFAULT    0x32
    uint8_t   GYR_ID;
    #define   BNO055_REG_GYR_ID_DEFAULT    0x0f
    uint16_t  SW_REV_ID;
    #define   BNO055_REG_SW_REV_ID_DEFAULT 0x0308
    uint8_t   BL_REV;
    uint8_t   PAGE_ID;
    sAxisData_t   ACC_DATA;
    sAxisData_t   MAG_DATA;  // 0x0f
    sAxisData_t   GYR_DATA;
    sEulData_t    EUL_DATA;
    sQuaData_t    QUA_DATA;  // 0x20
    sAxisData_t   LIA_DATA;
    sAxisData_t   GRV_DATA;  // 0x2f
    uint8_t   TEMP;
    sRegCalibState_t    CALIB_STATE;
    sRegStResult_t      ST_RESULT;
    sRegIntSta_t        INT_STA;
    sRegSysClkStatus_t    SYS_CLK_STATUS;
    uint8_t   SYS_STATUS;
    uint8_t   SYS_ERR;
    sRegUnitSel_t       UNIT_SEL;
    uint8_t   reserved1;
    sRegOprMode_t       OPR_MODE;
    sRegPowerMode_t     PWR_MODE;
    sRegSysTrigger_t    SYS_TRIGGER;
    sRegTempSource_t    TEMP_SOURCE;  // 0x40
    sRegAxisMapConfig_t AXIS_MAP_CONFIG;
    sRegAxisMapSign_t   AXIS_MAP_SIGN;
    uint8_t   reserved2[(0x54 - 0x43 + 1)];
    sAxisData_t   ACC_OFFSET;  // 0x55
    sAxisData_t   MAG_OFFSET;
    sAxisData_t   GYR_OFFSET;  // 0x61
    uint16_t  ACC_RADIUS;
    uint16_t  MAG_RADIUS;
  } sRegsPage0_t;

  typedef enum {
  } eMapSign_t;

  typedef enum {
    eMapConfig_P0 = 0x21,
    eMapConfig_P1 = 0x24,
    eMapConfig_P2 = 0x24,
    eMapConfig_P3 = 0x21,
    eMapConfig_P4 = 0x24,
    eMapConfig_P5 = 0x21,
    eMapConfig_P6 = 0x21,
    eMapConfig_P7 = 0x24,
  } eMapConfig_t;

   * @brief enum accelerometer range, unit G
  typedef enum {
  } eAccRange_t;

   * @brief enum accelerometer band width, unit HZ
  typedef enum {
    eAccBandWidth_7_81,    // 7.81HZ
    eAccBandWidth_15_63,   // 16.63HZ
  } eAccBandWidth_t;

   * @brief enum accelerometer power mode
  typedef enum {
  } eAccPowerMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   ACC_RANGE: 2;
    uint8_t   ACC_BW: 3;
    uint8_t   ACC_PWR_MODE: 3;
  } sRegAccConfig_t;

   * @brief enum magnetometer data output rate, unit HZ
  typedef enum {
  } eMagDataRate_t;

   * @brief enum magnetometer operation mode
  typedef enum {
  } eMagOprMode_t;

   * @brief enum magnetometer power mode
  typedef enum {
  } eMagPowerMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   MAG_DATA_OUTPUT_RATE: 3;
    uint8_t   MAG_OPR_MODE: 2;
    uint8_t   MAG_POWER_MODE: 2;
  } sRegMagConfig_t;

   * @brief enum gyroscope range, unit dps
  typedef enum {
  } eGyrRange_t;

   * @brief enum gyroscope band width, unit HZ
  typedef enum {
  } eGyrBandWidth_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   GYR_RANGE: 3;
    uint8_t   GYR_BANDWIDTH: 3;
  } sRegGyrConfig0_t;

   * @brief enum gyroscope power mode
  typedef enum {
  } eGyrPowerMode_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   GYR_POWER_MODE: 3;
  } sRegGyrConfig1_t;

  typedef enum {
  } eAccSleepMode_t;

  typedef enum {
    eAccSleepDuration_0_5 = 5,    // 0.5 ms
  } eAccSleepDuration_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   SLP_MODE: 1;
    uint8_t   SLP_DURATION: 4;
  } sRegAccSleepConfig_t;

  typedef enum {
  } eGyrSleepDuration_t;

  typedef enum {
  } eGyrAutoSleepDuration_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   SLP_DURATION: 3;
    uint8_t   AUTO_SLP_DURATION: 3;
  } sRegGyrSleepConfig_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   reserved1: 2;
    uint8_t   GYRO_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   GYR_HIGH_RATE: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved2: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_HIGH_G: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_NM: 1;
  } sRegIntMask_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   reserved1: 2;
    uint8_t   GYRO_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   GYR_HIGH_RATE: 1;
    uint8_t   reserved2: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_HIGH_G: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_AM: 1;
    uint8_t   ACC_NM: 1;
  } sRegIntEn_t;

   * @brief Enum accelerometer interrupt settings
  typedef enum {
    eAccIntSetAmnmXAxis = (0x01 << 2),
    eAccIntSetAmnmYAxis = (0x01 << 3),
    eAccIntSetAmnmZAxis = (0x01 << 4),
    eAccIntSetHgXAxis = (0x01 << 5),
    eAccIntSetHgYAxis = (0x01 << 6),
    eAccIntSetHgZAxis = (0x01 << 7),
    eAccIntSetAll = 0xfc
  } eAccIntSet_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   AM_DUR: 2;
    uint8_t   AMNM_X_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   AMNM_Y_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   AMNM_Z_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HG_X_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HG_Y_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HG_Z_AXIS: 1;
  } sRegAccIntSet_t;

   * @brief Enum accelerometer slow motion mode or no motion mode
  typedef enum {
    eAccNmSmnmSm,  // slow motion mode
    eAccNmSmnmNm   // no motion mode
  } eAccNmSmnm_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   SMNM: 2;
    uint8_t   NO_SLOW_MOTION_DURATION: 5;
  } sRegAccNmSet_t;

   * @brief Enum gyroscope interrupt settings
  typedef enum {
    eGyrIntSetAmXAxis = (0x01 << 0),
    eGyrIntSetAmYAxis = (0x01 << 1),
    eGyrIntSetAmZAxis = (0x01 << 2),
    eGyrIntSetHrXAxis = (0x01 << 3),
    eGyrIntSetHrYAxis = (0x01 << 4),
    eGyrIntSetHrZAxis = (0x01 << 5),
    eGyrIntSetAmFilt = (0x01 << 6),
    eGyrIntSetHrFilt = (0x01 << 7),
    eGyrIntSetAll = 0x3f
  } eGyrIntSet_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   AM_X_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   AM_Y_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   AM_Z_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HR_X_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HR_Y_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   HR_Z_AXIS: 1;
    uint8_t   AM_FILT: 1;
    uint8_t   HR_FILT: 1;
  } sRegGyrIntSetting_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   HR_THRESHOLD: 5;
    uint8_t   HR_THRES_HYST: 2;
  } sRegGyrHrSet_t;

  typedef struct {
  } sRegGyrAmThres_t;

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   SLOPE_SAMPLES: 2;
    uint8_t   AWAKE_DURATION: 2;
  } sRegGyrAmSet_t;

  typedef uint8_t   UniqueId_t[(0x5f - 0x50 + 1)];

  typedef struct {
    uint8_t   reserved1[(0x06 - 0x00 + 1)];
    uint8_t   PAGE_ID;  // 0x07
    sRegAccConfig_t   ACC_CONFIG;
    sRegMagConfig_t   MAG_CONFIG;
    sRegGyrConfig0_t  GYR_CONFIG0;
    sRegGyrConfig1_t  GYR_CONFIG1;
    sRegAccSleepConfig_t    ACC_SLEEP;
    sRegGyrSleepConfig_t    GYR_SLEEP;
    uint8_t   reserved2;
    sRegIntMask_t     INT_MASK;
    sRegIntEn_t       INT_EN;  // 0x10
    uint8_t   ACC_AM_THRES;
    sRegAccIntSet_t    ACC_INT_SETTINGS;
    uint8_t   ACC_HG_DURATION;
    uint8_t   ACC_HG_THRES;
    uint8_t   ACC_NM_THRES;
    sRegAccNmSet_t    ACC_NM_SET;
    sRegGyrIntSetting_t     GYR_INT_SETTING;
    sRegGyrHrSet_t    GYR_HR_X_SET;
    uint8_t   GYR_DUR_X;
    sRegGyrHrSet_t    GYR_HR_Y_SET;
    uint8_t   GYR_DUR_Y;
    sRegGyrHrSet_t    GYR_HR_Z_SET;
    uint8_t   GYR_DUR_Z;
    sRegGyrAmThres_t  GYR_AM_THRES;
    sRegGyrAmSet_t    GYR_AM_SET;  // 0x1f
    uint8_t   reserved3[(0x4f - 0x20 + 1)];
    UniqueId_t    UNIQUE_ID;  // 0x5f
  } sRegsPage1_t;

   * @brief Declare sensor status
  typedef enum {
    eStatusOK,    // everything OK
    eStatusErr,   // unknow error
    eStatusErrDeviceNotDetect,    // device not detected
    eStatusErrDeviceReadyTimeOut, // device ready time out
    eStatusErrDeviceStatus,       // device internal status error
    eStatusErrParameter           // function parameter error
  } eStatus_t;

  /** Remap Signs **/
  typedef enum {
    REMAP_SIGN_P0 = 0x04,
    REMAP_SIGN_P1 = 0x00, // default
    REMAP_SIGN_P2 = 0x06,
    REMAP_SIGN_P3 = 0x02,
    REMAP_SIGN_P4 = 0x03,
    REMAP_SIGN_P5 = 0x01,
    REMAP_SIGN_P6 = 0x07,
    REMAP_SIGN_P7 = 0x05
  } eRemap_sign_t;
// functions


   * @brief begin Sensor begin
   * @return Sensor status
  eStatus_t   begin();

   * @brief getAxisAnalog Get axis analog data
   * @param eAxis One axis type from eAxis_t
   * @return Struct sAxisAnalog_t, contains axis analog data, members unit depend on eAxis:
   *                case eAxisAcc, unit mg
   *                case eAxisLia, unit mg
   *                case eAxisGrv, unit mg
   *                case eAxisMag, unit ut
   *                case eAxisGyr, unit dps
  sAxisAnalog_t getAxis(eAxis_t eAxis);

   * @brief getEulAnalog Get euler analog data
   * @return Struct sEulAnalog_t, contains euler analog data
  sEulAnalog_t  getEul();

   * @brief getQuaAnalog Get quaternion analog data
   * @return Struct sQuaAnalog_t, contains quaternion analog data
  sQuaAnalog_t  getQua();

  void    setAxisMapSign(eMapSign_t eSign); 

  void    setAxisMapConfig(eMapConfig_t eConfig); 

   * @brief setAccOffset Set axis offset data
   * @param eAxis One axis type from eAxis_t, only support accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope
   * @param sOffset Struct sAxisAnalog_t, contains axis analog data, members unit depend on eAxis:
   *                case eAxisAcc, unit mg, members can't out of acc range
   *                case eAxisMag, unit ut, members can't out of mag range
   *                case eAxisGyr, unit dps, members can't out of gyr range
  void    setAxisOffset(eAxis_t eAxis, sAxisAnalog_t sOffset);

   * @brief setOprMode Set operation mode
   * @param eOpr One operation mode from eOprMode_t
  void    setOprMode(eOprMode_t eMode);

   * @brief setPowerMode Set power mode
   * @param eMode One power mode from ePowerMode_t
  void    setPowerMode(ePowerMode_t eMode);

   * @brief Reset sensor
  void    reset();

   * @brief setAccRange Set accelerometer measurement range, default value is 4g
   * @param eRange One range enum from eAccRange_t
  void    setAccRange(eAccRange_t eRange);

   * @brief setAccBandWidth Set accelerometer band width, default value is 62.5hz
   * @param eBand One band enum from eAccBandWidth_t
  void    setAccBandWidth(eAccBandWidth_t eBand);

   * @brief setAccPowerMode Set accelerometer power mode, default value is eAccPowerModeNormal
   * @param eMode One mode enum from eAccPowerMode_t
  void    setAccPowerMode(eAccPowerMode_t eMode);

   * @brief setMagDataRate Set magnetometer data output rate, default value is 20hz
   * @param eRate One rate enum from eMagDataRate_t
  void    setMagDataRate(eMagDataRate_t eRate);

   * @brief setMagOprMode Set magnetometer operation mode, default value is eMagOprModeRegular
   * @param eMode One mode enum from eMagOprMode_t
  void    setMagOprMode(eMagOprMode_t eMode);

   * @brief setMagPowerMode Set magnetometer power mode, default value is eMagePowerModeForce
   * @param eMode One mode enum from eMagPowerMode_t
  void    setMagPowerMode(eMagPowerMode_t eMode);

   * @brief setGyrRange Set gyroscope range, default value is 2000
   * @param eRange One range enum from eGyrRange_t
  void    setGyrRange(eGyrRange_t eRange);

   * @brief setGyrBandWidth Set gyroscope band width, default value is 32HZ
   * @param eBandWidth One band width enum from eGyrBandWidth_t
  void    setGyrBandWidth(eGyrBandWidth_t eBandWidth);

   * @brief setGyrPowerMode Set gyroscope power mode, default value is eGyrPowerModeNormal
   * @param eMode One power mode enum from eGyrPowerMode_t
  void    setGyrPowerMode(eGyrPowerMode_t eMode);

   * @brief getIntState Get interrupt state, interrupt auto clear after read
   * @return If result > 0, at least one interrupt triggered. Result & eIntXXX (from eInt_t) to test is triggered
  uint8_t   getIntState();

   * @brief setIntMask Set interrupt mask enable, there will generate a interrupt signal (raising) on INT pin if corresponding interrupt enabled
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setIntMaskEnable(eInt_t eInt);

   * @brief setIntMaskDisable Set corresponding interrupt mask disable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setIntMaskDisable(eInt_t eInt);

   * @brief setIntEnEnable Set corresponding interrupt enable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setIntEnable(eInt_t eInt);

   * @brief setIntEnDisable Set corresponding interrupt disable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setIntDisable(eInt_t eInt);

   * @brief setAccAmThres Set accelerometer any motion threshold
   * @param thres Threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   *        case 2g, no more than 1991
   *        case 4g, no more than 3985
   *        case 8g, no more than 7968
   *        case 16g, no more than 15937
   *        Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setAccAmThres(uint16_t thres);

   * @brief setAccIntDur Set accelerometer interrupt duration,
   *        any motion interrupt triggers if duration (dur + 1) consecutive data points are above the any motion interrupt
   *        threshold define in any motion threshold
   * @param dur Duration to set, range form 1 to 4
  void    setAccIntAmDur(uint8_t dur);

   * @brief setAccIntEnable Set accelerometer interrupt enable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setAccIntEnable(eAccIntSet_t eInt);

   * @brief setAccIntDisable Set accelerometer interrupt disable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setAccIntDisable(eAccIntSet_t eInt);

   * @brief setAccHighGDuration Set accelerometer high-g interrupt, the high-g interrupt delay according to [dur + 1] * 2 ms
   * @param dur Duration from 2ms to 512ms
  void    setAccHighGDuration(uint16_t dur);

   * @brief setAccHighGThres Set accelerometer high-g threshold
   * @param thres Threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   *        case 2g, no more than 1991
   *        case 4g, no more than 3985
   *        case 8g, no more than 7968
   *        case 16g, no more than 15937
   *        Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setAccHighGThres(uint16_t thres);

   * @brief setAccNmThres Set accelerometer no motion threshold
   * @param thres Threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   *        case 2g, no more than 1991
   *        case 4g, no more than 3985
   *        case 8g, no more than 7968
   *        case 16g, no more than 15937
   *        Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setAccNmThres(uint16_t thres);

   * @brief setAccNmSet Set accelerometer slow motion or no motion mode and duration
   * @param eSmnm Enum of eAccNmSmnm_t
   * @param dur Interrupt trigger delay (unit seconds), no more than 344.
   *            Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setAccNmSet(eAccNmSmnm_t eSmnm, uint16_t dur);

   * @brief setGyrIntEnable Set corresponding gyroscope interrupt enable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setGyrIntEnable(eGyrIntSet_t eInt);

   * @brief setGyrIntDisable Set corresponding gyroscope interrupt disable
   * @param eInt One or more interrupt flags to set, input them through operate or
  void    setGyrIntDisable(eGyrIntSet_t eInt);

   * @brief setGyrHrSet Set gyroscope high rate settings
   * @param eSingleAxis Single axis to set
   * @param thres High rate threshold to set, unit degree/seconds, value is dependent on gyroscope range selected,
   *        case 2000, no more than 1937
   *        case 1000, no more than 968
   *        case 500, no more than 484
   *        case 250, no more than 242
   *        case 125, no more than 121
   *        Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
   * @param dur High rate duration to set, unit ms, duration from 2.5ms to 640ms
   *            Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setGyrHrSet(eSingleAxis_t eSingleAxis, uint16_t thres, uint16_t dur);

   * @brief setGyrAmThres Set gyroscope any motion threshold
   * @param thres Threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   *        case 2000, no more than 128
   *        case 1000, no more than 64
   *        case 500, no more than 32
   *        case 250, no more than 16
   *        case 125, no more than 8
   *        Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  void    setGyrAmThres(uint8_t thres);

  virtual void readReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t len) = 0;
  virtual void writeReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t len) = 0;

  uint8_t   getReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t pageId);
  void      setToPage(uint8_t pageId);
  void      setUnit();
  void      writeRegBits(uint8_t reg, uint8_t flied, uint8_t val);
  uint16_t  mapAccThres(uint16_t thres);
  void      mapGyrHrThres(uint8_t *pHysteresis, uint16_t *pThres, uint16_t *pDur);
  void      mapGyrAmThres(uint8_t *pThres);

  sAxisData_t   getAxisRaw(eAxis_t eAxis);
  sEulData_t    getEulRaw();
  sQuaData_t    getQuaRaw();

// variables ----------------------------------------------------------------
   * @brief lastOpreateStatus Show last operate status
  eStatus_t   lastOperateStatus;

  uint8_t   _currentPage;
  eAccRange_t   _eAccRange;
  eGyrRange_t   _eGyrRange;


// utils class ----------------------------------------------------------------

class DFRobot_BNO055_IIC : public DFRobot_BNO055 {
   * @brief The eCom3State enum, sensor address is according to pin(com3) state
  typedef enum {
  } eCom3State_t;

   * @brief DFRobot_BNO055_IIC class constructor
   * @param pWire select One TwoWire peripheral
   * @param addr Sensor address
  DFRobot_BNO055_IIC(TwoWire *pWire, uint8_t addr);

  void    readReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t len);
  void    writeReg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t len);

  TwoWire   *_pWire;
  uint8_t   _addr;



10 DOF integrates BNO055 and BMP280. The I2C address of BNO055 (0×28) and BMP280 (0×76) can be visited through I2C interface, which makes it available to obtain the related position data and environment information.




Connection Diagram

Sample Code

The function of the program: read the pitch angle, roll angle and yaw angle of BNO055 sensor via I2C interface, and print out the data through the serial port. Using this demo with a small visual software Euler angle visual tool.exe we specifically designed, you can directly observe the attitude variation of 10DOF. As shown below.

  * imu_show.ino
  * Download this demo to show attitude on [imu_show](
  * Attitude will show on imu_show
  * Product:
  * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  * version  V1.0
  * date  07/03/2019

#include "DFRobot_BNO055.h"
#include "Wire.h"

typedef DFRobot_BNO055_IIC    BNO;    // ******** use abbreviations instead of full names ********

BNO   bno(&Wire, 0x28);    // input TwoWire interface and IIC address

// show last sensor operate status
void printLastOperateStatus(BNO::eStatus_t eStatus)
  switch(eStatus) {
  case BNO::eStatusOK:    Serial.println("everything ok"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErr:   Serial.println("unknow error"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceNotDetect:    Serial.println("device not detected"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceReadyTimeOut: Serial.println("device ready time out"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceStatus:       Serial.println("device internal status error"); break;
  default: Serial.println("unknow status"); break;

void setup()
  while(bno.begin() != BNO::eStatusOK) {
    Serial.println("bno begin faild");
  Serial.println("bno begin success");

void loop()
  BNO::sEulAnalog_t   sEul;
  sEul = bno.getEul();
  Serial.print(sEul.pitch, 3);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(sEul.roll, 3);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(sEul.head, 3);
  Serial.println(" ");

If we compare 10DOF to an airplane whose nose points at due east, the positive direction of X axis will be the direction of the nose, the positive direction of Y axis will be the direction of the left wing, which is due north. Z axis is perpendicular to the plane XOY that formed by X and Y axes. When the 10 DOF’s direction of X, Y, and Z totally coincides with the above-mentioned direction, the values of the pitch, roll and yaw angle are 0°. Here we define: pitch is the angle between the nose and XOY when the airplane noses up or down along the Y axis, and nose up is positive while nose down is negative; roll is the angle between the body and XOY when the airplane rolls along the X axis; yaw is the angle between the nose and XOZ when the airplane moves along the Z axis.

warning_yellow.png Please note that you need to close the serial port occupied by the printer when using the test software to observe the sensor’s movement posture.

Sample Code

Program Function: Retrieve data from the sensor on the x, y, and z axes, and print it out via the serial port.

  * read_data.ino
  * Download this demo to test read data from bno055
  * Data will print on your serial monitor
  * Product:
  * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  * version  V1.0
  * date  07/03/2019

#include "DFRobot_BNO055.h"
#include "Wire.h"

typedef DFRobot_BNO055_IIC    BNO;    // ******** use abbreviations instead of full names ********

BNO   bno(&Wire, 0x28);    // input TwoWire interface and IIC address

// show last sensor operate status
void printLastOperateStatus(BNO::eStatus_t eStatus)
  switch(eStatus) {
  case BNO::eStatusOK:   Serial.println("everything ok"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErr:  Serial.println("unknow error"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceNotDetect:   Serial.println("device not detected"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceReadyTimeOut:    Serial.println("device ready time out"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceStatus:    Serial.println("device internal status error"); break;
  default: Serial.println("unknow status"); break;

void setup()
  while(bno.begin() != BNO::eStatusOK) {
    Serial.println("bno begin faild");
  Serial.println("bno begin success");

#define printAxisData(sAxis) \
  Serial.print(" x: "); \
  Serial.print(sAxis.x); \
  Serial.print(" y: "); \
  Serial.print(sAxis.y); \
  Serial.print(" z: "); \

void loop()
  BNO::sAxisAnalog_t   sAccAnalog, sMagAnalog, sGyrAnalog, sLiaAnalog, sGrvAnalog;
  BNO::sEulAnalog_t    sEulAnalog;
  BNO::sQuaAnalog_t    sQuaAnalog;
  sAccAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisAcc);    // read acceleration
  sMagAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisMag);    // read geomagnetic
  sGyrAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisGyr);    // read gyroscope
  sLiaAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisLia);    // read linear acceleration
  sGrvAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisGrv);    // read gravity vector
  sEulAnalog = bno.getEul();                  // read euler angle
  sQuaAnalog = bno.getQua();                  // read quaternion
  Serial.println("======== analog data print start ========");
  Serial.print("acc analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sAccAnalog);
  Serial.print("mag analog: (unit ut)       "); printAxisData(sMagAnalog);
  Serial.print("gyr analog: (unit dps)      "); printAxisData(sGyrAnalog);
  Serial.print("lia analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sLiaAnalog);
  Serial.print("grv analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sGrvAnalog);
  Serial.print("eul analog: (unit degree)   "); Serial.print(" head: "); Serial.print(sEulAnalog.head); Serial.print(" roll: "); Serial.print(sEulAnalog.roll);  Serial.print(" pitch: "); Serial.println(sEulAnalog.pitch);
  Serial.print("qua analog: (no unit)       "); Serial.print(" w: "); Serial.print(sQuaAnalog.w); printAxisData(sQuaAnalog);
  Serial.println("========  analog data print end  ========");


Sample Code

Program Function: Monitor various interrupts of the sensor, including high-speed motion or low-speed motion interrupts, and rapid tilt interrupts.

  * interrupt.ino
  * Download this demo to test bno055 interrupt
  * Connect bno055 int pin to arduino pin 2
  * If there occurs interrupt, it will printr on you serial monitor, more detail please reference comment
  * Product:
  * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  * version  V1.0
  * date  07/03/2019

#include "DFRobot_BNO055.h"
#include "Wire.h"

typedef DFRobot_BNO055_IIC    BNO;    // ******** use abbreviations instead of full names ********

BNO   bno(&Wire, 0x28);    // input TwoWire interface and IIC address

// show last sensor operate status
void printLastOperateStatus(BNO::eStatus_t eStatus)
  switch(eStatus) {
  case BNO::eStatusOK:    Serial.println("everything ok"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErr:   Serial.println("unknow error"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceNotDetect:    Serial.println("device not detected"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceReadyTimeOut: Serial.println("device ready time out"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceStatus:       Serial.println("device internal status error"); break;
  default: Serial.println("unknow status"); break;

bool intFlag = false;

void intHandle()
  intFlag = true;

void setup()
  while(bno.begin() != BNO::eStatusOK) {
    Serial.println("bno begin faild");
  Serial.println("bno begin success");

  bno.setOprMode(BNO::eOprModeConfig);    // set to config mode

  bno.setIntMaskEnable(BNO::eIntAll);    // set interrupt mask enable, signal to int pin when interrupt
  // bno.setIntMaskDisable(BNO::eIntAccAm | BNO::eIntAccNm);    // set interrupt mask disable, no signal to int pin when interrupt

  bno.setIntEnable(BNO::eIntAll);   // set interrupt enable
  // bno.setIntDisable(BNO::eIntAccAm | BNO::eIntAccNm);    // set interrupt disable

  bno.setAccIntEnable(BNO::eAccIntSetAll);    // set accelerometer interrupt enable
  // bno.setAccIntDisable(BNO::eAccIntSetAmnmXAxis | BNO::eAccIntSetHgXAxis);   // set accelerometer interrupt disable

  /* accelerometer any motion threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   * case 2g, no more than 1991
   * case 4g, no more than 3985
   * case 8g, no more than 7968
   * case 16g, no more than 15937
   * attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
   * tips: default accelerometer range is 4g
  // how to trig this: still --> fast move
  // any motion interrupt triggers if duration consecutive data points are above the any motion interrupt
  // threshold define in any motion threshold
  // set high-g duration, value from 2ms to 512ms
   * accelerometer high-g threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   * case 2g, no more than 1991
   * case 4g, no more than 3985
   * case 8g, no more than 7968
   * case 16g, no more than 15937
   * Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  // how to trig this: still --> (very) fast move
  // accelerometer (no motion) / (slow motion) settings, 2nd parameter unit seconds, no more than 344
  bno.setAccNmSet(BNO::eAccNmSmnmNm, 4);
   * accelerometer no motion threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   * case 2g, no more than 1991
   * case 4g, no more than 3985
   * case 8g, no more than 7968
   * case 16g, no more than 15937
   * Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  // hot to trig this: any motion --> still --> still

  bno.setGyrIntEnable((BNO::eGyrIntSet_t) (BNO::eGyrIntSetHrXAxis | BNO::eGyrIntSetHrYAxis | BNO::eGyrIntSetHrZAxis));    // set gyroscope interrupt enable, in most cases, this is enough.
  // bno.setGyrIntEnable(BNO::eGyrIntSetAmYAxis | BNO::eGyrIntSetAmYAxis | BNO::eGyrIntSetAmZAxis);    // set gyroscope interrupt enable
  // bno.setGyrIntDisable(BNO::eGyrIntSetHrXAxis | BNO::eGyrIntSetAmXAxis);    // set gyroscope interrupt disable

   * 2nd parameter, high rate threshold to set, unit degree/seconds, value is dependent on gyroscope range selected,
   * case 2000, no more than 1937
   * case 1000, no more than 968
   * case 500, no more than 484
   * case 250, no more than 242
   * case 125, no more than 121
   * Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
   * 3rd parameter, high rate duration to set, unit ms, duration from 2.5ms to 640ms
   * Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
  // how to trigger this: still --> fast tilt
  bno.setGyrHrSet(BNO::eSingleAxisX, 300, 80);
  bno.setGyrHrSet(BNO::eSingleAxisY, 300, 80);
  bno.setGyrHrSet(BNO::eSingleAxisZ, 300, 80);
   * gyroscope any motion threshold to set, unit mg, value is dependent on accelerometer range selected,
   * case 2000, no more than 128
   * case 1000, no more than 64
   * case 500, no more than 32
   * case 250, no more than 16
   * case 125, no more than 8
   * Attenion: The set value will be slightly biased according to datasheet
   * tips: default range is 2000
  // how to trigger this: still --> fast tilt

  bno.setOprMode(BNO::eOprModeNdof);    // configure done

  attachInterrupt(0, intHandle, RISING);   // attach interrupt
  bno.getIntState();    // clear unexpected interrupt
  intFlag = false;

void loop()
  if(intFlag) {
    intFlag = false;
    uint8_t   intSta = bno.getIntState();   // interrupt auto clear after read

    Serial.println("interrupt detected");
    if(intSta & BNO::eIntAccAm)
      Serial.println("accelerometer any motion detected");
    if(intSta & BNO::eIntAccNm)
      Serial.println("accelerometer no motion detected");
    if(intSta & BNO::eIntAccHighG)
      Serial.println("acceleromter high-g detected");
    if(intSta & BNO::eIntGyrHighRate)
      Serial.println("gyroscope high rate detected");
    if(intSta & BNO::eIntGyrAm)
      Serial.println("gyroscope any motion detected");

Sample Code

Program Function: Perform various configurations on the sensor.

  * config.ino
  * Download this demo to test config to bno055
  * Data will print on your serial monitor
  * Product:
  * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
  * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
  * version  V1.0
  * date  07/03/2019

#include "DFRobot_BNO055.h"
#include "Wire.h"

typedef DFRobot_BNO055_IIC    BNO;    // ******** use abbreviations instead of full names ********

BNO   bno(&Wire, 0x28);    // input TwoWire interface and IIC address

// show last sensor operate status
void printLastOperateStatus(BNO::eStatus_t eStatus)
  switch(eStatus) {
  case BNO::eStatusOK:    Serial.println("everything ok"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErr:   Serial.println("unknow error"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceNotDetect:    Serial.println("device not detected"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceReadyTimeOut: Serial.println("device ready time out"); break;
  case BNO::eStatusErrDeviceStatus:       Serial.println("device internal status error"); break;
  default: Serial.println("unknow status"); break;

void setup()
  while(bno.begin() != BNO::eStatusOK) {
    Serial.println("bno begin faild");
  Serial.println("bno begin success");

  bno.setPowerMode(BNO::ePowerModeNormal);    // set to normal power mode
  bno.setOprMode(BNO::eOprModeConfig);    // must set sensor to config-mode before configure
  bno.setAccPowerMode(BNO::eAccPowerModeNormal);    // set acc to normal power mode
  bno.setGyrPowerMode(BNO::eGyrPowerModeNormal);    // set gyr to normal power mode
  bno.setMagPowerMode(BNO::eMagPowerModeForce);     // set mag to force power mode

  // accelerometer normal configure
  bno.setAccRange(BNO::eAccRange_4G);   // set range to 4g
  bno.setAccBandWidth(BNO::eAccBandWidth_62_5);   // set band width 62.5HZ
  bno.setAccPowerMode(BNO::eAccPowerModeNormal);  // set accelerometer power mode

  // magnetometer normal configure
  bno.setMagDataRate(BNO::eMagDataRate_20);   // set output data rate 20HZ
  bno.setMagPowerMode(BNO::eMagPowerModeForce);   // set power mode
  bno.setMagOprMode(BNO::eMagOprModeRegular); // set operate mode

  // gyroscope normal configure
  bno.setGyrRange(BNO::eGyrRange_2000);   // set range
  bno.setGyrBandWidth(BNO::eGyrBandWidth_32);   // set band width
  bno.setGyrPowerMode(BNO::eGyrPowerModeNormal);    // set power mode

  BNO::sAxisAnalog_t    sOffsetAcc;   // unit mg, members can't out of acc range
  BNO::sAxisAnalog_t    sOffsetMag;   // unit ut, members can't out of mag range
  BNO::sAxisAnalog_t    sOffsetGyr;   // unit dps, members can't out of gyr range
  sOffsetAcc.x = 1;
  sOffsetAcc.y = 1;
  sOffsetAcc.z = 1;
  sOffsetMag.x = 1;
  sOffsetMag.y = 1;
  sOffsetMag.z = 1;
  sOffsetGyr.x = 1;
  sOffsetGyr.y = 1;
  sOffsetGyr.z = 1;
  bno.setAxisOffset(BNO::eAxisAcc, sOffsetAcc);   // set offset
  bno.setAxisOffset(BNO::eAxisMag, sOffsetMag);
  bno.setAxisOffset(BNO::eAxisGyr, sOffsetGyr);

  bno.setOprMode(BNO::eOprModeNdof);   // shift to other operate mode, reference datasheet for more detail

#define printAxisData(sAxis) \
  Serial.print(" x: "); \
  Serial.print(sAxis.x); \
  Serial.print(" y: "); \
  Serial.print(sAxis.y); \
  Serial.print(" z: "); \

void loop()
  BNO::sAxisAnalog_t   sAccAnalog, sMagAnalog, sGyrAnalog, sLiaAnalog, sGrvAnalog;
  BNO::sEulAnalog_t    sEulAnalog;
  BNO::sQuaAnalog_t    sQuaAnalog;
  sAccAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisAcc);
  sMagAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisMag);
  sGyrAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisGyr);
  sLiaAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisLia);
  sGrvAnalog = bno.getAxis(BNO::eAxisGrv);
  sEulAnalog = bno.getEul();
  sQuaAnalog = bno.getQua();
  Serial.println("======== analog data print start ========");
  Serial.print("acc analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sAccAnalog);
  Serial.print("mag analog: (unit ut)       "); printAxisData(sMagAnalog);
  Serial.print("gyr analog: (unit dps)      "); printAxisData(sGyrAnalog);
  Serial.print("lia analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sLiaAnalog);
  Serial.print("grv analog: (unit mg)       "); printAxisData(sGrvAnalog);
  Serial.print("eul analog: (unit degree)   "); Serial.print(" head: "); Serial.print(sEulAnalog.head); Serial.print(" roll: "); Serial.print(sEulAnalog.roll);  Serial.print(" pitch: "); Serial.println(sEulAnalog.pitch);
  Serial.print("qua analog: (no unit)       "); Serial.print(" w: "); Serial.print(sQuaAnalog.w); printAxisData(sQuaAnalog);
  Serial.println("========  analog data print end  ========");


Sample Code

Program Function: Read the temperature, atmospheric pressure, altitude and other information collected by the 10Dof module, and print the values through the serial port. The units of the measured values are Celsius, pa, and m, respectively. The altitude is calculated from the temperature and pressure values collected by the on-board sensor BMP280, not the actual measured value, and there is an error.

 * read_data.ino
 * Download this demo to test simple read from bmp280, connect sensor through IIC interface
 * Data will print on your serial monitor
 * Copyright   [DFRobot](, 2016
 * Copyright   GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version  V1.0
 * date  12/03/2019

#include "DFRobot_BMP280.h"
#include "Wire.h"

typedef DFRobot_BMP280_IIC    BMP;    // ******** use abbreviations instead of full names ********

BMP   bmp(&Wire, BMP::eSdo_low);

#define SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE    1015.0f   // sea level pressure

// show last sensor operate status
void printLastOperateStatus(BMP::eStatus_t eStatus)
  switch(eStatus) {
  case BMP::eStatusOK:    Serial.println("everything ok"); break;
  case BMP::eStatusErr:   Serial.println("unknow error"); break;
  case BMP::eStatusErrDeviceNotDetected:    Serial.println("device not detected"); break;
  case BMP::eStatusErrParameter:    Serial.println("parameter error"); break;
  default: Serial.println("unknow status"); break;

void setup()
  Serial.println("bmp read data test");
  while(bmp.begin() != BMP::eStatusOK) {
    Serial.println("bmp begin faild");
  Serial.println("bmp begin success");

void loop()
  float   temp = bmp.getTemperature();
  uint32_t    press = bmp.getPressure();
  float   alti = bmp.calAltitude(SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE, press);

  Serial.println("======== start print ========");
  Serial.print("temperature (unit Celsius): "); Serial.println(temp);
  Serial.print("pressure (unit pa):         "); Serial.println(press);
  Serial.print("altitude (unit meter):      "); Serial.println(alti);
  Serial.println("========  end print  ========");


More Documents


BNO055 Datasheet

BMP388 Datasheet

